
You are a sick person and should be reported for this alone. To compare good faith discussion of an issue even trans people believe in to a bigoted plagiarism of a bigoted plagiarism of an anti-Jesuit screed from the 1600s that was circulated specifically to kill Jews says more about YOUR lack of character than it says anything bad about Abigail Shrier. You couldn’t have proven your lack of integrity better than you did by even bringing the Protocols into this argument, much less comparing Irreversible Damage to them.

Then again, Buck Angel is one of the few long-term case studies of what trans medicine does to a body, so your dismissal of his LIVED EXPERIENCE is a contradiction of everything you say you believe in.

PS if you didn’t know the Jesuit history of the Protocols, maybe you shouldn’t be using them in your arguments!



Jenny Ian Asencio

Card-carrying nerd, rational feminist, spiritual observer, ally of free thinking and objectivity, Harvard student, power metal is life!